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Basic informations
First name:Olga
I am: TS MTF Non-Op
City/Town: Санкт-Петербург
Age: 41 years old
Weight: 90
Height: 180
Body type: A few kilos too many
Hair: Short
Hair color: Blond
Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to men
About me:Kind)
looking for a man
I am looking for
Other goals of acquaintance: Just looking, internet friendship, exchange experience, traveling, open relationship, parties, friendship, flirt, love affair, serious relationship, marriage, sex
I am looking for:Virile a man, kind
I am looking for: Men
More about me
Cigarettes: Nonsmoker
Alcohol: Drink occasionally
Gambling: No
Favorite color: Navy
Favorite cuisine: Mediterranean, fast-food
My character: Sensitive, delicate, witty, quiet
Clothes style: Casual, free
Hobbies and interests
My hobbies: Movie, culinary, computers, literature, music, sport
Favorites fields of knowledge: Geography, history, information technology, political science, psychology, religion/theology, sociology